10 Days Subject-Wise Teacher Training at Rakhu Cluster

10 Days Subject-Wise Teacher Training at Rakhu

The 10 days events and outcomes of a Teacher Training Programme on “Teaching Strategies” for subject-specific areas (Mathematics, Science, English, and Nepali) conducted for basic education level teachers in Rakhu Cluster, Myagdi District. It provides an account of the activities and contents covered in the training course, which was held for ten days from 10 December 2022 to 18 January 2023. The training was conducted in two groups: 1st group A (Mathematics and Science) and 2nd group (English and Nepali). The programme targeted approximately 100 participants from 16 schools, of which 74% (74 participants) attended the training, with no obstacles to running the schools during the training period.
The 2nd phase of the training focused on the basic requirements of a child-centered educational environment, such as child-friendly classroom management, subject-specific materials preparation and use, classroom teaching and learning strategies, and a variety of teaching methods. The emphasis was on the importance of a team approach in providing quality education through the practice of reviewing child-centered learning methods in schools and subject-specific teacher training (Mathematics, Science, English, and Nepali).

10 Days Subject-Wise Teacher Training at Rakhu

This report provides a brief synopsis of the teacher training programme, including its major objectives, implementation methods, contents, successes, challenges/issues, and recommendations. The 2nd phase of the basic level teacher’s subject-specific and child-friendly classroom management and organization training programme aims to develop an understanding of child-friendly schools and how to manage classrooms accordingly, as well as to develop teaching materials to teach different academic subjects. The training was facilitated by LEARN trainers, lead teachers, and Resource Persons from Raghuganga Rural Municipalities.